Organic waste opportunities in Tasmania


RMCG Tasmania recently led a consortium of consultants to help the state government better understand organic waste streams and the opportunities for industries and communities to use them as valuable resource.

Organic waste opportunities in Tasmania

16 DEC 2021

Tasmania is a state of great natural beauty with many unique and protected environmental values as well as productive agricultural lands, vibrant manufacturing industries, and an innovative hospit...

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Research, development and extension (RD&E) and capacity building

We work with clients to ensure that research, development and extension (RD&E) programs are efficient and achieve outcomes. Our work includes RD&E program design, prioritisation, planning, ...

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A practical guide to effective landholder engagement

07 SEP 2021

When engaging with landholders, we are often asking them to change practices on their property. This is not a straightforward request, and the term 'practice change' is often used without understandin...

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An agricultural workforce plan for Tasmania’s north west

31 MAR 2021

Agriculture is a significant contributor to the Tasmanian economy at $2.4 billion annually. While the sector has undergone a significant technological evolution over the past couple of decades, resul...

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Recycled water management

We design practical fit-for-purpose systems to manage recycled water in a manner that is good for the environment and good for business. We consider this resource in the context of broader integrated...

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Dam feasibility assessments, permits and safety reviews

Our approach to both Division 4 (Notice of Intent to Undertake Dam Works) and Division 3 (Application to Undertake Dam Works) permits and WAARs is from a fatal flaw analysis perspective where we inves...

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Profitable Integration of Cropping and Livestock

19 FEB 2019

As a national project partner, RMCG was engaged by Rural Directions to collect and analyse benchmarking datasets for mixed farming businesses across Southern and Northern Victoria. Working with 20 pro...

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Donna Lucas

Donna is an agricultural consultant with experience in business management, research and extension. She is adaptable with an ability to contribute to projects at a strategic level. Donna has speciali...

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Backyards to Broadacres; Delivering innovative and forward-looking solutions to Tasmanian producers

07 FEB 2019

RMCG was engaged by Tamar NRM in Tasmania to deliver a series of four ‘Backyards to Broadacres’ workshops under the National Landcare Program – Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 201...

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Dr Doris Blaesing

Doris has extensive experience in agricultural business development, resource management and R&D. She has a good understanding of agricultural production systems and supply chains. Her strengths a...

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