
Project planning and analysis

As demands for transparency and accountability grow, there is an ever-increasing focus on project planning and analysis.

While project management systems abound, these are only a small part of the formula for excellent projects. Our focus is to use the tools and frameworks available to engage the project team, and often other stakeholders, in a discussion that builds a strong understanding of the concepts, needs and aims that the project plan must capture.

RMCG focuses on building this understanding by exploring the evidence-base for both the problem and the solutions being suggested. We believe our strong content knowledge and experience in environment and natural resource management is vital to being able to work with the project team to test the evidence and challenge the robustness of proposed solutions.

Another critical element is the ability to ‘tell the story’ of the project. We believe presentation of a project can have enormous influence. Our approach creates both the formal documentation of a project and material to help the team present their project to partners, stakeholders and investors.

We have assisted Catchment Management Authorities to develop biodiversity, land management, invasive plant and animal management, water quality and community capacity building projects. In many cases, these projects have targeted state and/or Australian government funding. We have also worked with community-based groups to develop their local-scale project concepts and plans.


Shayne Annett

Shayne Annett


B.Ag.Sci., M.Res.Admin. (NRM)

Shayne has over 25 years working in land, water and biodiversity management, and during that time has developed the ability to see things from many perspectives, to anticipate issues that might arise and to draw on his experience to develop pragmatic and progressive solutions. He understands on-ground work, private and public land management, planning and managing programs and projects, and policy at local, state and national levels.

Simon McGuinness

Simon McGuinness



Simon specialises in strategic planning, critical thinking, evaluation and facilitation.  He works primarily in the natural resource management sector, and also has deep experience in rural and regional development. With expertise in mediation and conflict resolution, he has led numerous projects requiring skilful delivery of community and stakeholder engagement processes.

Carl Larsen

Carl Larsen


B.Env.Sci., B.Soc.Sci. (Env.), PG.Cert.CCPI.

Carl is a socio-environmental scientist with 15 years’ experience in planning, delivery and evaluation of agriculture and natural resource management programs, integrated water management, climate change and stakeholder engagement. He understands the practical implications of policy and science on communities and agriculture. Carl has worked with a range of government departments, resource management agencies, research and development corporations, private organisations and communities around Australia on catchment management, sustainable water use, resource management in agriculture/horticulture, land use, climate change, strategic planning, industry development, extension and practice change.

Trent Wallis

Trent Wallis


BSc, MEnvSt, GDipPD(EnvSt)

Trent has an extensive background in environmental planning and natural resource management, with particular expertise in waterway management and planning. This includes 21 years of public sector experience working for catchment management authorities and the state government.

Trent’s work focuses on strategic environmental policy, planning and evaluation, and supporting project teams with the delivery of long-term catchment health outcomes. He is also experienced in community and stakeholder management, and has a strong understanding of the importance of genuine engagement to ensure project buy-in and support. He has worked with, and led, integrated project teams, stakeholder and community project committees, forums and working groups, and technical expert groups.

Dr Anne-Maree Boland

Dr Anne-Maree Boland


PhD., B.Ag.Sci.

Anne-Maree has 25 years’ experience in dealing with natural resource and water management in agricultural industries. This has included research and development and consulting in the areas of sustainable management practices, water use efficiency, recycled water and environmental management systems. Anne-Maree has been a Non-Executive Director for GWRDC and IAL, is a Churchill Fellow and recipient of the University of Melbourne Chancellors Prize. She has extensive experience as a knowledge broker and establishing partnerships with diverse stakeholder groups including government, water and agricultural industries.

Jencie McRobert

Jencie McRobert


B.Sci., Grad.Dip.Eco., Assoc.App.Sci.

Jencie understands the science and economics of natural resource management and has grounded and practical experience in soils, mixed farming and viticulture. She has highly developed skills in evaluation of agricultural and natural resource management programs, business case writing, greenhouse emissions analysis and sustainable resource use, and catchment management.  Jencie knows and appreciates the issues affecting communities in rural and regional Australia.

Steph Drum

Steph Drum


B.Nat.Res. (Hons)

Steph has specific skills and experience in natural resource management and sustainable agriculture, stakeholder and community engagement, policy and strategy development and evaluation. She has broad ranging experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of natural resource management programs. Steph combines her technical NRM knowledge with her expertise in building community capacity to develop tailored approaches to delivering and evaluating both environmental and social outcomes.

Dr Claire Feniuk

Dr Claire Feniuk

Senior Consultant

PhD, MSc., BSc. (Hons)

Claire is passionate about working on the interface between research, policy and practice to support sustainable land management. Through her research and policy experience, Claire has gained insight into a wide range of approaches to agriculture and natural resource management worldwide and brings an international perspective to our team.

Clinton Muller

Clinton Muller

Senior Consultant

M.Sust.Ag., B.Bus. (Hons), B.A.

Clinton has extensive experience in sustainable agriculture, with a specialist focus on horticulture and intensive production systems. With a strong agricultural industry focus, Clinton has worked across a range of agricultural commodities and natural resource management issues in Australia and internationally.  Clinton’s diverse range of capacities including program design and management, stakeholder engagement, partnership management, monitoring evaluation and reporting, extension, facilitation, action research and science communication.

Shelley McGuinness

Shelley McGuinness


B.Ag.Sci. (Hons)

Shelley has strongly developed strategic planning skills and an ability to develop and apply logical methodologies to complex problems resulting in workable, robust strategies and policy solutions. With over 25 years’ experience she has an in-depth understanding of rural communities, industries, environments and natural resources, their inter-relationships and inter-dependencies. Her skills and experience have been applied to rural and regional strategic land use planning, agricultural industry analysis, assessment of land capability and suitability, land use conflict and environmental planning.

Steph McNulty

Steph McNulty

Senior Consultant

M.Env., B.Sci. (Marine Biology)

Steph has ten years’ experience working in environmental management. Key areas of knowledge include general ecology and environmental policy. She has specific skills in GIS analysis, project management and stakeholder consultation. Steph’s work has focused on the delivery of balanced, practical and effective environmental interventions.