
Catchment management

Good catchment management combines communities and the sciences.

We use this approach to craft meaningful and resilient solutions to complicated issues like water quality management, soil and land management, biodiversity and sustainable communities.

Our record in catchment management is strong with successful work on small scale catchment planning, through to large scale projects such as basin-wide consultation to assess the impact of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.


Shayne Annett

Shayne Annett


B.Ag.Sci., M.Res.Admin. (NRM)

Shayne has over 25 years working in land, water and biodiversity management, and during that time has developed the ability to see things from many perspectives, to anticipate issues that might arise and to draw on his experience to develop pragmatic and progressive solutions. He understands on-ground work, private and public land management, planning and managing programs and projects, and policy at local, state and national levels.

Trent Wallis

Trent Wallis


BSc, MEnvSt, GDipPD(EnvSt)

Trent has an extensive background in environmental planning and natural resource management, with particular expertise in waterway management and planning. This includes 21 years of public sector experience working for catchment management authorities and the state government.

Trent’s work focuses on strategic environmental policy, planning and evaluation, and supporting project teams with the delivery of long-term catchment health outcomes. He is also experienced in community and stakeholder management, and has a strong understanding of the importance of genuine engagement to ensure project buy-in and support. He has worked with, and led, integrated project teams, stakeholder and community project committees, forums and working groups, and technical expert groups.

Carl Larsen

Carl Larsen


B.Env.Sci., B.Soc.Sci. (Env.), PG.Cert.CCPI.

Carl is a socio-environmental scientist with 15 years’ experience in planning, delivery and evaluation of agriculture and natural resource management programs, integrated water management, climate change and stakeholder engagement. He understands the practical implications of policy and science on communities and agriculture. Carl has worked with a range of government departments, resource management agencies, research and development corporations, private organisations and communities around Australia on catchment management, sustainable water use, resource management in agriculture/horticulture, land use, climate change, strategic planning, industry development, extension and practice change.

Steph Drum

Steph Drum


B.Nat.Res. (Hons)

Steph has specific skills and experience in natural resource management and sustainable agriculture, stakeholder and community engagement, policy and strategy development and evaluation. She has broad ranging experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of natural resource management programs. Steph combines her technical NRM knowledge with her expertise in building community capacity to develop tailored approaches to delivering and evaluating both environmental and social outcomes.

Jencie McRobert

Jencie McRobert


B.Sci., Grad.Dip.Eco., Assoc.App.Sci.

Jencie understands the science and economics of natural resource management and has grounded and practical experience in soils, mixed farming and viticulture. She has highly developed skills in evaluation of agricultural and natural resource management programs, business case writing, greenhouse emissions analysis and sustainable resource use, and catchment management.  Jencie knows and appreciates the issues affecting communities in rural and regional Australia.

Charles Thompson

Charles Thompson

Senior Fellow

B.Sci. (Ag.) (Hons), CPAg.

Charles has 20 years consulting experience and over 25 years’ experience in farm business and natural resource management. This includes water quality, salinity, irrigation, drainage, horticulture, community consultation and extension. His special fields of competence technical resource assessment; extension and advisory services to horticulture and agriculture; nutrients and water quality; and benchmarking horticultural enterprise management.

Anna Kelliher

Anna Kelliher

Managing Principal

BA, BE (Hons), GAICD

Anna is an environmental engineer with 20 years’ experience in water and catchment management. She specialises in recycled water planning, irrigation modernisation, land capability assessment, environmental risk assessment and catchment condition reporting. Anna has experience working with industry, government, farmers and the community, and has developed sound teamwork, communication and project management skills.

Jaclyne Scally

Jaclyne Scally

Senior Consultant

B.App.Sci. (Env.Mgt.) (Hons)

Jaclyne has experience in strategy development, community and stakeholder engagement, community based natural resource management and social research. Her projects have involved environment and sustainability planning for local government, estuary management planning, program evaluations and communication and engagement strategies for government departments. Jaclyne has a passion for working with communities to achieve practical outcomes for the environment.

Steph McNulty

Steph McNulty

Senior Consultant

M.Env., B.Sci. (Marine Biology)

Steph has ten years’ experience working in environmental management. Key areas of knowledge include general ecology and environmental policy. She has specific skills in GIS analysis, project management and stakeholder consultation. Steph’s work has focused on the delivery of balanced, practical and effective environmental interventions.

Rebecca Schwarzman

Rebecca Schwarzman

Senior Consultant

B.Sci. (Hons)

Bec is a skilled geographer and environmental scientist with a background in water, natural resource management and regional development.

She has made important contributions to catchment and water management, salinity, compost use in agriculture and bushfire planning and management at RMCG. She works on projects with a focus on strategic planning, program evaluation and social and environmental research, primarily for government agencies.

Bec has well developed project management skills and has a practical and resourceful style. She is a highly capable writer and problem solver.