
04 Aug 2020

Water update on the Southern Connected Basin

RMCG has released a new report on the state of play regarding water availability in the Southern Connected Basin as at July 2020.

The paper is based on the recognition that a new equilibrium has become established between the diverse mix of irrigated sectors that have varying requirements regarding the security of their water supply – and the three water security products that are now available. The paper therefore covers:

  • A brief analysis of the 2019/20 season
  • A short history of irrigation development in the Southern Connected Basin
  • An analysis of the physical characteristics of the system
  • The implications for water markets
  • The relationship between the level of water allocations and prices
  • An assessment of likely future trends and the major challenges facing the Basin.


Click here to read a summary of the report.

A detailed report providing the background data is also available here.