
01 Aug 2018

Tasmanian Pastures Survey

Pastures HeaderAre you a red meat producer, buyer or livestock buyer? It’s time to have your say on pasture management in Tasmania.

The Pastures and Livestock Productivity Project is seeking to improve pasture quality and quantity as a basis for increasing livestock production in Tasmania.

The data collected will be used for informing the design of a Tasmanian pasture extension program.

All information is kept strictly confidential, ensuring no individuals will be identifiable in summarised data.

The survey will take up to 15 minutes to complete and can be accessed here.

If you would like to go in the draw to win a prize, complete the survey by August 15th 2018 and provide your contact details at the end of the survey.

For further information, contact Donna Lucas on or 0459 047 478.

This project is supported by funding from the Tasmanian Government and the Australian Government.