
18 Jun 2020

Analysing the economic contribution of Australia’s chicken meat industry

RMCG and BDO EconSearch have developed a report on the economic contribution of the Australian chicken meat industry for AgriFutures Australia.

Over the past decade, Australia’s chicken meat industry has grown consistently and rapidly in many locations across the country. This important rural industry contributes $7.9 billion and 58,000 jobs to the Australian economy through direct and flow-on activity.

To help local councils and state governments to assess proposals for industry growth, RMCG worked with BDO EconSearch to prepare a report on the economic contribution of the Australian chicken meat industry.

The report provides a detailed overview of how and where chicken meat is produced in Australia, including the major companies, supply chains and locations. The report also includes the research method, as well as the key results of our research.

Read the report here.

Economic contribution of Australian chicken meat industry report