
Works approval guideline for piggeries

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

RMCG was recently engaged by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria to develop a guideline to assist applicants in preparing works approval (WA) applications for piggeries.

Piggeries with more than 5000 pigs are scheduled as an BO1 Animal Industry under the Environmental Protection Regulations 2017. The development or expansion of a piggery of this size requires works approval by the EPA.

With the rapid expansion of piggery operations in recent years and further growth expected, the new industry-specific guidelines are essential for ensuring compliance with the Environmental Protection Act 1970 (EP Act).  The increased clarity in the design and operation of facilities to meet Victorian environmental requirements assists applicants in preparing, and the EPA in assessing applications for works approval.

The guideline is now available here


Matt Shanahan

Matt Shanahan


B.Tech. (Env.)

Matt has been working in the water/irrigation industry for the past 15 years, having spent the last 12 years with RMCG consulting to a range of private and government clients.  Matt has worked extensively in the field of recycled water and organics management, having prepared master plans, land capability assessments, irrigation management plans and environmental management plans for a range of clients.  He is also experienced in the development of works approval applications and undertaking technical assessments involving the management of soils, nutrients and salinity/sodicity.