
Social Dimensions of Managing Complex Mixed Farming Systems

Grain & Graze

RMCG worked on a social research project for Grain & Graze aimed at determining: ‘What understanding of the social dimensions of dealing with complexity associated with mixed farming can enhance the adoption of Grain & Graze project results?’

The first stage of the research involved interviewing mixed farmers throughout all grain and graze regions regarding: the farming systems they run, why they run this system, how they come to run this system and how they make decisions about their system.

Qualitative and quantitative data was collected from interviews with farmers, researchers and via focus group meetings. The project aimed to identify issues and barriers to change, options for achieving social (personal) goals, and solutions and methods of communicating these solutions.

This project improved the understanding of mixed farming systems, which will have a significant impact on Australian agriculture.


Claire Flanagan-Smith

Claire Flanagan-Smith


B.Env.Eng. (Hons)

Claire has more than a decade’s experience in strategic planning, facilitation and community engagement in a range of industries. Claire’s people and strategy skills are underpinned by a strong understanding of engineering and policy. She helps communities and organisations deal with complex issues, supporting insight and constructive strategy. Claire has delivered quality projects including investigations of community concerns related to mining, regional strategic planning, socio-economic impact studies and strategic planning for a wide range of organisations.